Aero & Defence

Aero & Defence

TPG AeroDef Solutions is a cutting-edge defence equipment sales and marketing that specialises in providing innovative products and services to clients in the aerospace and defence industries.

Our mission is willing be the leading provider of advanced technology solutions and services to our clients, helping them achieve their strategic goals and objectives.

Our target market includes:

1. Defence contractors

2. Aerospace manufacturers

3. Government agencies

4. Research institutions

5. Private companies involved in space exploration.

TPG Aerospace Solutions offers a comprehensive range of sales and marketing services,TPG brokers uses our extensive technical and marketing expertise to achieve our clients’ aircraft sales, acquisition & marketing goals. Personalized service is integral to our listing and acquisition process: from aircraft evaluation to aircraft showings and managing the pre-purchase inspection. Achieve your goals with TPG  team of international aircraft sales experts.Use our aircraft market knowledge and sales expertise to obtain the best results when you buy or sell your aircraft.including :


1. Product and service positioning.

2. Sales strategy development and execution.

3. Marketing and promotional campaigns.

4. Trade show and event support.

5. Proposal development and management.

6. Customer relationship management.

7. After-sales support and services.

Our marketing and sales strategy will focus on the following key areas:

1. Building strong relationships with key decision-makers in our target market through targeted networking and outreach efforts.

2. Developing a strong online presence, including a professional website and active social media channels, to showcase our expertise and capabilities.

3. Attending industry trade shows and conferences to connect with potential clients and stay informed about the latest trends and developments.

4. Offering free consultations and product demonstrations to showcase the value of our services and generate leads.

5. Implementing a targeted advertising campaign to raise awareness of our brand and services among our target audience.


TPG AeroDef Solutions is poised to become a leading provider of sales and marketing services within the aerospace and defence industries. With a strong team, innovative services, and a focused marketing strategy,

we are confident in our ability to achieve success and deliver exceptional value to our clients and investors.


Aero Space



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